Travel | 旅游

花東海线单车行 I。台東。三仙台。

2016 Sep. Taitung. Sanxiantai.


After returning to Taiwan mainland from Orchid Island, I started my ambitious 3-day foldie bike trip from Taitung to Hualien the following day. It was a gorgeous scenic ride which covered about 167km along the stunning coastal road facing the Pacific Ocean.

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Travel | 旅游


2016 Aug/Sep. Lanyu.


Lanyu or Orchid Island is an offshore island along Taiwan’s southeastern coast, reachable by a 2-hour ferry ride from either Taitung Fugang Fishery Port (year round) or Kenting Houbihu Harbour (mid Mar to mid Sep), or the once-per-day half hour domestic flight from Taitung Airport. It is a relatively untouched natural outpost still inhabited by the native Tao aboriginal islanders. Planning in advance to get there is an absolute requirement and a challenge in itself due to the limited transportation and accommodation options, as well as unpredictable weather conditions that can jeopardise your plans. But the charm of the island and its people, made it all worthwhile, once you have experienced it.

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Food | 饮食, Travel | 旅游


2016 Aug. Hengchun.

从墾丁大街骑脚车到恒春要一个多小时。恒春古城建于清朝末年,是台湾目前保留得最完整的古代城池。知道恒春这个地方是因为当兵时期听过王中平的一首歌,歌词唱道 “梦有多长有多远,有没有比恒春还远” ,心中就兴起了对恒春的遐想。后来电影《海角七号》主要拍摄场景在恒春,所以我也想来恒春看看阿嘉的家,寻找电影拍摄场景,了解风土人情,感觉一下恒春究竟是怎么样的一个地方。

Hengchun is the southernmost township in Pingtung County, Taiwan. It is a charming place full of historical traces and good food. Hengchun Old Town is one of the best-preserved historical towns in Taiwan with four gates intact and about half of the walls remaining.

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Food | 饮食, Travel | 旅游


2016 Aug. Kenting.


Kenting is a beach goers place to be for the young crowd. The vibes is casual and fun, with enough beautiful landscapes, beach and water activities to keep you occupied. Kenting Main Street is home to restaurants, bars, street food and nightlife when dusk falls. Nearby rustic town of Hengchun is also worth a visit during the day.

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Food | 饮食, Travel | 旅游


2016 Aug. Kaohsiung. Cijin.


Never been to Kaohsiung before, and had been wanting to check out the city. Enroute to Kenting, it was a brief overnight stop decided at the last minute. The weather was just way too hot to loiter out in the day, and I only managed to visit Cijin, a short ferry ride away in the late afternoon.

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Food | 饮食, Travel | 旅游


     2016 Aug. Neiwan


Neiwan, located in Hsinchu’s countryside, is a charming old township off the beaten path. The residents here are mostly Hakka people, and you will find a wide variety of Hakka and local cuisine along the Old Street. While not the most scenic village or old street as other popular destinations, Neiwan is filled with great food and quirkiness that makes it worth a visit.

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Food | 饮食, Travel | 旅游


2016 Aug. Taiwan. Hualien. Liushidanshan (Fuli). Chikeshan (Yuli).


August and September is the flowering season to visit  high-mountain daylilies at Chihke Mountain (Yuli Township) and Sixty-Stone Mountain (Fuli Township), both located in Hualien County. The mountains are covered in a sea of golden flowers, and visitors from everywhere brave the summer heat to relish the beautiful scene of the sun shining on the daylilies.

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Food | 饮食, Travel | 旅游


2016 Aug. Taiwan. Taichung.

不算是到台中玩,只是临时跟着朋友搭高铁去随便逛逛。搭火车,当然要吃便当!除了便当,更让我兴奋的是刚刚在新加坡上市可是一上架就被扫空,想买也买不到的超夯 “纯粹.喝” 饮料。买了两瓶,试过后,真的好喝,比起市面上的其他茶饮选择,茶味更香更浓郁。台湾的口味选择多,价钱合理。新加坡的定价足足贵了三倍!

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